Every STUDENT in Berkeley County is entitled to an education which is challenging and rewarding. They deserve the OPPORTUNITY to be successful on every grade level and graduate with an academic background and skills to achieve at the next level of learning or employment.
Every TEACHER in Berkeley County deserves the OPPORTUNITY and support needed to be successful in the classroom.
Every Parent has earned the right to an OPPORTUNITY to be involved in their children's education.I will always work hard to make sure OPPORTUNITY exists on all levels and seek input as often as possible.
The key to TRANSPARENCY is communication. Parents, taxpayers, elected officials and other interested groups have a right to certain information concerning school budgets, district budgets, policy decisions, attendance lines, facility needs, textbook selections and more.
I will work hard to ensure TRANSPARENCY is a common practice throughout the school system.
Tax dollars are used to pay all expenses incurred by the school district. Therefore, the Berkeley County School Board has a responsibility to taxpayers to spend funds appropriately. Budget meetings should always by open to the public and more funding is needed in the classroom and not used to hire additional district level staff. As facility needs are addressed, the public should be aware of financing since a tax increase will normally be required. All available classroom space should be used before new facilities are added. Oversight and checks and balances should be in place to make sure the school district personnel spends appropriated dollars as legally intended.
Paid for by Jimmy Hinson for School Board
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